Adult Redeploy Illinois Court
Safeguarding Ordinance Violations
State’s Attorney Glasgow spearheaded the creation of the Will County Adult Redeploy Illinois (ARI) Court in 2015. The Court was recognized at the national level by the National Association of Counties with the 2018 Achievement Award. Glasgow also was instrumental in establishing the Will County Drug Court, Veterans Court, and Mental Health Court.
Adult Redeploy Illinois (ARI) is a problem solving court which targets defendants in felony court who have a substance use dependence or mental health diagnosis or criminal thinking errors, and would otherwise be sent to the Illinois Department of Corrections. The court targets those with high a risk to re-offend or violate the terms of supervision and those with high behavioral health treatment needs. ARI seeks to keep non-violent offenders out of state prisons through counseling, substance abuse treatment, mental health therapy, and job location services.
State’s Attorney Glasgow learned about the goal of Adult Redeploy, researched the program, held stakeholder meetings, submitted and received a grant to establish the program. Since its inception, State’s Attorney Glasgow led the way for his team to provide quality programming for Adult Redeploy participants. Each year, a successful grant is submitted and granted, allowing for the expansion of the number of participants and of services.
The program is voluntary, but participation is subject to meeting eligibility criteria and being staffed and approved for admission into the program by the team. Adult Redeploy has been built on an extensive history of collaboration among key stakeholders, including the 12th Judicial Circuit Court, Will County, the Will County State’s Attorney, the Will County Public Defender, the Will County Sheriff, the Will County Adult Court Services Department, Center for Correctional Concerns, treatment providers and the community.
The goals and objectives of Adult Redeploy are to give participants the tools to overcome their addictions, mental health issues, and criminal thinking errors so that they can prevent further criminal activity and go on to live a healthy, stable, and drug-free life. Through the treatment services provided to its participants, the court enhances public safety in a fiscally responsible manner and improves the quality of life for the individual participants, their families, and the community by reducing the likelihood that they will re-offend by comprehensively addressing their criminogenic risks and needs.
One of the key components to change criminal behavior is to address criminal thinking. In Adult Redeploy, all participants take part in groups such as Moral Reconation Therapy to change their level of moral reasoning, Thinking 4 A Change, a program focusing on cognitive restructuring, interpersonal skills and problem-solving skills, Criminal Thinking, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and prosocial activities, including fitness. Employment readiness and assistance with job placement is also part of the program.
It costs approximately $3,000 to put a person through Adult Redeploy Court. Taxpayers pay about $21,600 each year for an individual in the Illinois Department of Corrections. For every dollar invested in Adult Redeploy, many more are saved by corrections. Additionally, when the imprisoned person returns to the streets, they are forever marked. It is difficult to obtain a job and likely they will return to drugs and criminal activity. The result is a revolving door syndrome in which offenders cycle in and out of the system.
On the other hand, the person who finishes Adult Redeploy is given a chance to return to society as a productive citizen, with increased educational and job opportunities. Instead of becoming a drain on society, the successful participant becomes a contributor. Not only do offenders benefit, but public safety is strengthened through the accountability and monitoring that occurs.
The mission of Will County Adult Redeploy Illinois Court is to improve access to community-based services using evidence-based practices in assessments, treatment, and community supervision in order to improve public safety and offender outcomes, enhancing the quality of life for the community and the individual.
Graduations occur semi-annually as the culmination of the formal part of the program. At that time, most felony charges are given conditional discharge. Graduates are highly encouraged to attend follow up classes as alumni members for additional support.
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State’s Attorney Glasgow and Problem Solving Courts Coordinator Julie McCabe-Sterr display the 2018 Achievement Award from the National Association of Counties. The honor was presented to Will County Adult Redeploy Illinois for adopting “a holistic court solution to the chronic reoffender."