Schedule a Presentation / Speakers Bureau
In addition to aggressively prosecuting criminals, Will County State’s Attorney James Glasgow believes that crime prevention is critically important if we are to make our community a safe place to live, work and raise our families. As a result, State’s Attorney Glasgow is committed to helping our children, educators, parents, community groups, senior citizens, businesses, local governments, and faith-based organizations learn how to take the necessary steps to avoid becoming crime victims. Members of the State’s Attorney’s Speakers Bureau are available for presentations on important crime prevention topics. This brochure includes some of our most commonly requested presentations. If you do not see the topic you are looking for, please contact our Crime Prevention Bureau and we may be able to provide you with other information.
If you would like someone from the State’s Attorney’s Office to make a presentation, or if you would like our office to provide materials for an event, please contact us through our website at
The Will County State’s Attorney’s Speakers Bureau is a free resource that works to educate and inform the public concerning crime prevention and legal topics through presentations for civic, educational and law enforcement organizations.

Chief Deputy State’s Attorney Ken Grey speaking at the New Lenox Chamber of Commerce on how to protect against identity theft.

High-Tech Crimes Investigator Megan Brooks speaks to P-STEP (Post-Secondary Transition and Educational Program) students at Joliet Junior College about online safety.
The Speakers Bureau represents a broad range of backgrounds and experience. The panel of speakers includes State’s Attorney Glasgow, as well as assistant state’s attorneys, investigators, and staff members who each have extensive expertise in their fields. Speakers are available to present to your organization on a variety of subjects, including but not limited to:
Internet Safety Teaches students strategies for staying safe while online. Discusses cyber-bullying, Internet predators and the consequences of “sexting.” |
Drug Court Provides information about the Will County Drug Court program and how it helps drug abusers who have been charged with certain non-violent crimes kick their addictions and regain control of their lives. |
Gang Awareness and Prevention Helps teachers, faculty members and parents recognize common gang symbols as well as other signs of gang activity in their schools and neighborhoods. Highlights indicators that children might be involved in a street gang. |
Drunken Driving For teens and parents. Learn about the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and the serious consequences offenders face in court. |
Identity Theft Provides strategies for protecting yourself against the fastest growing crime in this country. Identifies steps people can take if they should become a victim. |
Substance Abuse Prevention Presents facts regarding the use of illegal narcotics as well as the abuse of other common “gateway” substances, including tobacco and alcohol. |
Senior Citizen Scams Helps senior citizens recognize common scams that target elderly people and provides tips on how to avoid falling prey to con artists and scammers. |
Character Education Discusses with teens and parents the development of positive character traits: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship. |
Domestic Violence Education Discusses the dangerous cycle of domestic abuse and provides critical information on Orders of Protection as well as what victims can expect when their abusers are arrested and prosecuted in court. |
Teen Peer Juries Offers insight on how peer juries for teenagers can be an effective alternative to juvenile court in certain less serious cases. |

State’s Attorney Glasgow and Amie Simpson (former ASA) speaking to law enforcement on the issue of domestic violence.
In addition, the State’s Attorney’s Office has partnered with Tri-River Police Training Association to provide training and continuing education to law enforcement officers on a variety of topics, as well as updates on the latest case law. The goal is to improve the coordination between police officers and the State’s Attorney’s Office in order to ensure proper and efficient prosecution.
Training sessions for law enforcement officers include, but are not limited to:
- Elder Law / Elder Abuse
- Juvenile Law
- Mental Health
- Forfeitures
- Domestic Violence
- Custody Issues
Representatives from the State’s Attorney’s Office are also available to staff vendor booths at community resource fairs in order to hand out informational materials and answer questions.

Criminal Division Chief Pete Wilkes speaking to University of St. Francis students for their criminal law class.